Directly communicate an offer either by email and or telephone as soon as it arrives.

Coordinate acceptance of offer or counteroffer. It is not a necessity that you, the seller, travel personally to Orlando for the closing unless you choose to do so.

During the contract period leading up to the closing, we work with the title company, which will have the ultimate responsibility of transferring the deeds of the property from you to the new owner.

Connect you with an accountant to begin the required paperwork for withholding tax / FIRPTA (non resident seller only).

Final closing documents are emailed by the title company to both buyer and seller who will sign, notarize, and return them back to the title company for the closing.

The closing will take place on the agreed date and all funds will be dispersed. It is at this point that the property is legally transferred to the new owners.


During this entire process, we will keep you regularly updated and answer any inevitable questions that may arise.